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Wednesday, February 3, 2010

My Leg.....The Never Ending Saga

So in case all of you don't know, the injury that I sustained in May '09, isn't healed yet. I've pretty much had an open wound on my leg that hasn't closed up. I've been seeing a specialized clinic that deals with chronic wounds for the last 6 months and we're almost there, but not quite. I've had to deal with several infections and this last one is just too much.

The wound clinic cultured my wound, a couple of weeks ago and I went and saw my doctor yesterday morning. I thought it would be the typical, "oh yeah, it's infected again. Let's shove some antibiotics down your throat again and see what happens". I was wrong.

My doctor took a look at my leg and said basically that he wants me to go under the knife again to remove all of the unhealthy tissue that's inhibiting healthy tissue from growing and a good blood supply to flow to the area.

He then told me the other option was to wait.

I wanted to ball my eyes out right then and there.

I've been waiting for this to heal for almost 9 months now and I most definitely DO NOT want surgery again. I told the doc I'd talk to my husband about it and then get back to him.

Luckily Dan's new office is 5 minutes from the hospital (& my doc's office), so I drove over to him in tears.

Have I mentioned that I have the best husband in the world?

He was very comforting and he supported the decision to have surgery, cause as much as I didn't want it, I knew it was the best option. And then because I was so distraught, he told me the sweetest words a man could tell his wife when she's emotionally distressed and needed comforting.

"Suze, go shopping and take the girls out to lunch."

Believe me, Dan knows me so well and he knows that shopping makes me happy. I know, I know, it's totally superficial, but it does. Shopping for me (even if I don't spend any money, but better if I do, of course) releases endorphins in my brain and truly lifts my spirits again. Even better than that is when I find a great bargain. Whoa ho! Don't even get me started on the kicks I get from finding a bargain.

One of my favorite places to shop is Ross. I found 4 pairs of pants for Dan that cost me $ total! Oh yeah, I was on a definite high!

Anyways after that I took the girls to my favorite Sushi place in Woodinville. Sushi Connections. I'm so elated that my oldest daughter is a sushi nut. She even ate Eel!

After lunch it was like the heavens opened up and sent me the best day ever. The sun was shining and it was warm and dry out, so the girls and I went to the park. They played and I read my book. The Hunger Games is SOOOO good. I really don't ever want to put it down, but I have to sometimes. I have the next one in the series ready to go, but I have about a 1/4 of the book left.

Anyways my day was brightened despite the fact that I was majorly depressed about having to have this surgery next week. I will let you all know how it goes. In the meantime I'm going to be stocking up on good books, movies and food, to comfort me in my time of recovery.


The Keenan Family said...

Oh Suze! I am so sorry that you are still struggling with your leg injury! We will continue to pray that it gets better.

Chesney said...

well keep you in our prayers

Maggie Muggins said...

WOW! I'm so sorry. Shopping is always good. I agree we need to finally get together sometime. I live like 5 minutes from WinCo - you should come over then go do your shopping!

Suze said...

Next time I go to WinCo, I'll totally make it a play day! As long as you don't mind 3 crazy people at your house.

Callie said...

Well, you found the best ways to cure any and Sushi Connections!! We just moved to Woodinville and we were so tired of driving into Bellevue for sushi, then someone FINALLY told us about Sushi Connections and we have been hooked ever since! Best Sushi on the Eastside by far, and a darn friendly staff to boot :)

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