When we first saw the
house we moved into, if you recall, the upstairs bedrooms were painted pretty hideously to my standards.
I mean, Purple walls and ceilings? Well that was my bedroom to be exact. The girls room is Purple walls and a blue ceiling and another room (my craft/sewing room) is powder blue with a blue ceiling.
I mean YUCK!
There was no way I would be content living here surrounded by those walls of hideous colors.
So I did what any person would do.
I had my girlfriend Sarah come over and help me a couple of days, but pretty much the bathroom I've done on my own, save above the mirror, where Sarah got up on my counter and "cut in" for me.
Here're my progress so far.....
The Master Bathroom
I don't have any "Before" pictures of the bathroom, but it was your basic white walls.

Yes, that's "POO" written on the wall. I had to do it. Sarah told me to.
The Master Bedroom
Here are the "Before" pictures. As you can tell by pictures, the ceiling is indeed the same hideous purple color as the wall.

Here's a good celing shot.
The "During" process of the Master Bedroom
We had to prime coat the walls and celing, since I'm painting the celing white and the top wall above the Chair rail a lighter color than "lucious lilac".......no, that's not what the color is called....I made it up. But that's what I should call it instead of purple, since it's not a true "purple".
No paint job's complete without Grafitti.

Sarah's art work. It's Dan and I. She's showing off their dirty hands. Edison got into the paint so now those are his "painting clothes". She shouldn't have dressed him so cute. He is a cutie though.

After the Priming
Woo hoo! Took about 2 days of hard labor.....but all the purple is finally gone!

I will post true "After" pictures when I'm totally done. Until then, you'll have to wait and see what the colors are going to be. Let's just say, I'm into Browns and Neutrals......well for this room anyway.
Years ago my mom and I spent the day painting my room and putting our hand and footprints all over the walls. When we were done, my sister put her buttprint behind my door. Only special people got to see it. If I had known you then, you would've been one of those special people. With the door open, it covered that section of the wall.
So much fun Suze. I seriously love the difference that painting can make. Trust me - we've painted all but the kitchen and a bathroom since we've moved in to our place!
So where are you sleeping while your room is fume-central? ;) We were lucky and were able to paint just before we moved into our place...but we're not that skilled, so it took FOREVER. I feel your pain!
So are you going to second-coat your bathroom or is that a cool painting texture? It's hard to tell from the photos. It's a great color!
(the word verification was so cool this time, I just had to share it. squinain. Squinain! Isn't that awesome! If I were still into RPGing, that would totally be my next character's name.)
looks good, it's weird how they painted the ceiling! can't wait to see more pictures!
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