Yes the rumor is true! For those of you confused about Dan's last post, here's what's been going on with us lately...
We'd been looking for a house to lease, cause we just needed to be out of apartments for the girls' sake and we were looking in or out of the Redmond area for the last 3 months prior to now. We'd gone back and forth on our decision....should we stay or should we leave Redmond?....We really love the areas outside of Redmond, but should we commute?~Dan's office is in Redmond and we just love being 5 minutes from his work. We searched all the areas like Duvall, Monroe, Sultan, Gold Bar, Snohomish, Mill Creek, Bothell (search Google maps if you're a little lost) and finally in the last month of our search we focused on two towns, Duvall or Monroe. We must have looked at least a half a dozen houses, just this one week alone and it got so bad that when we'd be finished looking at a house, the girls would say, "Next house!" ....mind you it's the same phrase they use when we go shopping too....they're shopaholics....if we go shopping they'll automatically say "next store!" to go to the next one and be very disappointed if we have to go home.
Anyways where was I.....
So we were narrowed down to this one house in Monroe where it was THE perfect house and we had put in our application for it and everything. We totally wanted this house. It was everything that we wanted and the only problem with it was that it was the perfect house for another couple too, cause we were in "competition" with them for this house (practically). The landlords were pretty much going to see which credit score was higher and then give it to the couple which would be better for them. Anyways that's the market we were in. So in the meantime we were praying like crazy (Is this the house? Will something else come up?) and waiting for these people to get back to us and we were still searching Craigslist to see if anything else popped up in Monroe. Well a couple of days later, something did. (Prayers do get answered!)
Dan and I decided to check it out right away (you gotta jump on these things!) and although it wasn't perfect we thought it might suit our needs. Isn't that what we should be aiming for? (we thought~living within our means?) In the meantime the other couple got back to us and they decided that they were going to give the house to the other couple, not because their credit score was higher, but because they felt that they had applied first and so they felt obligated to give it to them. We said no problem, since we had this back up. Besides this other house was about $400 cheaper in rent per month. So we decided to take this house and this owner was so easy going that we felt so good about our decision, never mind that when we saw it we just absolutely loved the house!
(BTW to show you just how much prayers are answered, after we had made the deal with our house, the other people with the other house came back and said that the other couple didn't want the house anymore and they were offering it to us now and well it was too late. But obviously we were not meant to have that house, because we were fully ready to have that house, since WE thought it was the perfect house for us. But obviously Heavenly Father steered us into the right direction.....yeah, a $400 cheeper direction!)
Anyways here's our house! The only picture I'll show you for now.

It has 2,100 Sqft. with 4 bedrooms upstairs and 2 full baths and then downstairs is a 1/2 bathroom, a living room/dining room a spacious island kitchen with an eating area and a family room as well as an office & laundry room. It also has a 3 car garage and the 3rd garage space is kind of roomed off with a door (hopefully I've explained that well) that we're going to use for some food storage. I'll post some more pictures later when I can find my camera. lol (we're still unpacking)
We're just SO excited! The girls keep saying how much they love the house and their new room. Our backyard is full of hydrangea and rose bushes and my girlfriend Sarah (with the green thumb!) was just over today and she just cut some flowers for me (cause I have NO clue!) and so I have two HUGE arrangements of hydrangeas in my dining room and hopefully they'll dry nicely.
Anyways I'm totally excited cause I get to decorate and paint. The house was already redecorated & painted downstairs and we're not aloud to repaint down here, but we have total freedom upstairs, which is good, cause they bedrooms are (to me) HIDEOUS! Let's just say I'm not a purple fan. So I'll definitely have to post before and after pictures of that.
Well in the meantime I'm just glad to have a phoneline and the internet back. Although after a 30 minute break to post this, I need to get back to work. It was really hard though, to screen about 50 emails and not be able to answer anyone back. But just know that we're all fine and dandy! Just been through a lot in the last couple of months! Especially this last week. CIAO!
We'd been looking for a house to lease, cause we just needed to be out of apartments for the girls' sake and we were looking in or out of the Redmond area for the last 3 months prior to now. We'd gone back and forth on our decision....should we stay or should we leave Redmond?....We really love the areas outside of Redmond, but should we commute?~Dan's office is in Redmond and we just love being 5 minutes from his work. We searched all the areas like Duvall, Monroe, Sultan, Gold Bar, Snohomish, Mill Creek, Bothell (search Google maps if you're a little lost) and finally in the last month of our search we focused on two towns, Duvall or Monroe. We must have looked at least a half a dozen houses, just this one week alone and it got so bad that when we'd be finished looking at a house, the girls would say, "Next house!" ....mind you it's the same phrase they use when we go shopping too....they're shopaholics....if we go shopping they'll automatically say "next store!" to go to the next one and be very disappointed if we have to go home.
Anyways where was I.....
So we were narrowed down to this one house in Monroe where it was THE perfect house and we had put in our application for it and everything. We totally wanted this house. It was everything that we wanted and the only problem with it was that it was the perfect house for another couple too, cause we were in "competition" with them for this house (practically). The landlords were pretty much going to see which credit score was higher and then give it to the couple which would be better for them. Anyways that's the market we were in. So in the meantime we were praying like crazy (Is this the house? Will something else come up?) and waiting for these people to get back to us and we were still searching Craigslist to see if anything else popped up in Monroe. Well a couple of days later, something did. (Prayers do get answered!)
Dan and I decided to check it out right away (you gotta jump on these things!) and although it wasn't perfect we thought it might suit our needs. Isn't that what we should be aiming for? (we thought~living within our means?) In the meantime the other couple got back to us and they decided that they were going to give the house to the other couple, not because their credit score was higher, but because they felt that they had applied first and so they felt obligated to give it to them. We said no problem, since we had this back up. Besides this other house was about $400 cheaper in rent per month. So we decided to take this house and this owner was so easy going that we felt so good about our decision, never mind that when we saw it we just absolutely loved the house!
(BTW to show you just how much prayers are answered, after we had made the deal with our house, the other people with the other house came back and said that the other couple didn't want the house anymore and they were offering it to us now and well it was too late. But obviously we were not meant to have that house, because we were fully ready to have that house, since WE thought it was the perfect house for us. But obviously Heavenly Father steered us into the right direction.....yeah, a $400 cheeper direction!)
Anyways here's our house! The only picture I'll show you for now.
It has 2,100 Sqft. with 4 bedrooms upstairs and 2 full baths and then downstairs is a 1/2 bathroom, a living room/dining room a spacious island kitchen with an eating area and a family room as well as an office & laundry room. It also has a 3 car garage and the 3rd garage space is kind of roomed off with a door (hopefully I've explained that well) that we're going to use for some food storage. I'll post some more pictures later when I can find my camera. lol (we're still unpacking)
We're just SO excited! The girls keep saying how much they love the house and their new room. Our backyard is full of hydrangea and rose bushes and my girlfriend Sarah (with the green thumb!) was just over today and she just cut some flowers for me (cause I have NO clue!) and so I have two HUGE arrangements of hydrangeas in my dining room and hopefully they'll dry nicely.
Anyways I'm totally excited cause I get to decorate and paint. The house was already redecorated & painted downstairs and we're not aloud to repaint down here, but we have total freedom upstairs, which is good, cause they bedrooms are (to me) HIDEOUS! Let's just say I'm not a purple fan. So I'll definitely have to post before and after pictures of that.
Well in the meantime I'm just glad to have a phoneline and the internet back. Although after a 30 minute break to post this, I need to get back to work. It was really hard though, to screen about 50 emails and not be able to answer anyone back. But just know that we're all fine and dandy! Just been through a lot in the last couple of months! Especially this last week. CIAO!

I am so happy for you! It looks amazing! Can't wait to see how you decorate it!
What a find! All that space and a backyard! It's going to be great. I'm excited to see more pictures.
congratulations!!! im so happy for you
Yes, we moved out of the ward unfortunately but we're still here in Redmond. I love your new house, it looks lovely and I bet the girls will love all the extra space and yard. We've heard good things about Monroe, I hope you guys like it there :)
Congrates!! Did you see our post on our site about our new house? Yeah, yours puts ours to shame, but once again it's one of those "live within your means" things ;) 850 square feet? Yup, that's within our means *giggle* It sounds like our house could fit in your kitchen! I can't wait to see pictures of the inside of your new abode!
I'm pretty sure it wouldn't fit inside the kitchen :P, and there is something very nice about being able to own your home congrats on that. I was going to comment on your blog but I can't get my login to work :( While housing is unaffordable to buy out here on the plus side you can rent for WAY!!!! cheaper. Our rent is about 35% cheaper then it would be to make the mortgate payment for the same home, and ironically it's cheaper than the apartment we were living in, in Redmond so it's a win, win :)
CUTE HOUSE!! And freek, 400 bucks is SOOOO worth purple bedrooms! lol
Woa, for a sec there Debbi I thought you were going to say a different word. LOL!
Okay that was a mean jab at you and it will stop.
I more jabs at jew. Eet weel estop. Harrassment nothing to me!
I still laugh at that.....(everyone else is like, is Suze on crack or what?)
Ooh! Is that in the Freylands? I used to live in Monroe.
Yup! We live in FRY-LAND! We can eat all the Fries we want!
I didn't know you lived in Monroe!
Dude!! Love the new place.......I'm soooooooo jealous because it is the perfect size for our family! But it's your perfect home, which is so great for you guys. I'm excited to see it!
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