Yeah so this is a week and more late. But I thought I'd tell you a little about my birthday adventures with ma best peeps.....(minus Jacki....she was s'posed to come, but couldn't).
Anywhoodle my adventure started when I got to sleep in, un-interrupted....
......oh wait....that's what I WANTED for my birthday, but didn't happen.
So onto the rest of the day....Dan took care of all that was "Mommy" that day and I went to lunch with my girlies and to the nail place to take care of our hands and tosies. We had lunch at Blue Fire a Mongolian Grill place. (I love Mongolian Grill places, but this one's the best I've been far)
Leighann at the grill
At the nail place (Couture Nails)
The Finished Product!
I have a bit of a complex. (My brother once said that I had ugly feet and I've never gotten past that).
I want one SO BAD!
We then went to Red Robin to get something sweet and we acted like we were "on something"......well technically Sarah was on something (she sprained her ankle the week prior and was on pain meds).....the rest of us just had way too much fun.
Excuse me?
The Many Faces Of Kate
After parting with my goils I came home for a brief moment, (to pee...change shoes....that sorta thing..........TMI?) and the girls gave me my present: A Very Large Candy Cane.
*Gee.....thanks girls.
No really I did get one, but the rest of the gift was a Gift Card to one of my favorite stores, Ben Franklin Crafts, and I just happen to be heading there right after my stop at home. (I gave the humongous candy cane to Dan....I only like them in small doses)
*SWEET! Thanks girls...and Dan.
So it was a shopping trip to my favorite store (minus kids, WOO HOO!). I could actually browse and shop without saying, "Stop touching that!"......."No we're not buying that"......"I told you not to touch anything!"......"Stop bugging your sister!"......."What did I say about touching things?"
Ah yes....nothing but the sound of Christmas music and the words, "Can I help you look for something?"
I got some cute crafting ideas as well as some stuff to DECOR my home. I hate saying "deorate my home", cause I don't adorn my home with decorations.....only at Christmas time should you "decorate" your home. So it's decor that adorns my home.....NOT decorations.
We ended up going to dinner that night, cause I did not want to make dinner. So we ended up going back to the Mongolian Grill place. I know, I'm a dork, but I LOVE their food!
Afterwards we came home and the girls and Dan had made me a cake. What a surprise! It was so cute cause the girls thought because we didn't have a cake with them, they'd missed mommy's birthday. So that's why Dan made a cake, so that we could all be at mommy's party.
Okay so I know I'm not 30, but these were the only candles I could find in the drawer. I forgot to use them at Dan's 30th.
I was supposed to have a party that night with a few friends, but I ended up postponing it to this last weekend. We had a lot of fun, but I made WAY too much food. I have a problem estimating just how much people will eat.....and I think I just had too many choices. (It was an appetizer-type food bar).
Thanks Higham's & Thatcher's for coming!
All 'n all it was one of the best birthday's ever.......cause it's my first birthday as an official MOM!

Hahahaha!!! Great pictures! Happy belated b-day!
Someone once told me I have Flintstone feet. They're like rectangles.
Sounds like great fun! Happy Birthday!!
If we ever get out to the Seattle area again (less likely now that we're in Montana instead of just across the Idaho boarder), we HAVE to do Mongolian Grill with you guys :D We hardly ever eat out, but when we did a few days ago it was Mongolian Grill, and I was just so, so happy.
Wow, the big 30, did you ever think that you would get THAT old??? lol, happy b-day and happy speckled toe day!
To Sarah E:
I hit 30, 2 years ago honey. And NO I never thought I would get THAT old. But I'm lovin' every moment!
Can't wait till you hit the Fabulous 30's!
Happy Birthday! Looks and sounds like you had a blast. I know that to sleep in is what I always want but even last mother's day I was the one that got up to get the girls ready for church! (Growl!) Loved the candy cane ;D
I am glad you had a birthday! I had so much fun, can i come next year too?
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