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Monday, May 3, 2010

Pirates of Port Angeles

Just sit right back and you'll hear a tale, a tale of a real cool trip, that started from an olympic port, aboard an ol' sail ship. The mates were a mighty sailin' crew, the Skipper brave and sure. Four passengers set sail that day for a three hour tour. A three hour tour.

Okay, I'll spare you the rest. But really, this was a three hour tour. Continuing on from the post about our semi-spontaneous trip, here's the part about the Battle Sail.

What is a Battle Sail Suze?

Here's the answer from their website:

A Battle Sail is a recreation of a typical 18th century naval action. Lady Washington and Hawaiian Chieftain maneuver around each other for the best position to fire small, but loud cannon. Which boat will survive? Of course, both boats use blanks, and it's all in good fun!

Our family borded the Hawaiian Cheiftan and set sail with the rest of the crew and passengers. All the crew was in costume and it was fun to watch them all interact and work together to sail the ship. My favortie part was watching them climb.

Here's Dan and the girls getting ready to set sail

Desiree giving her best "Pirate Face"
(complete with missing teeth)

We were able to help a bit. Here's a short clip of me and the girls pulling the ropes.

We had true sailor's hands afterwards

The battle was kinda slow, but we did manage to get in more hits than the Lady Washington. In the end we won!

Although the 3 hour trip was too long, I'm glad we got to do this as a family. I'm sure the girls will remember this forever. I know I won't ever forget.


Maggie Muggins said...

Oh my goodness. My son would have loved this. Although 3 hours might be a little much for him too! How did you even hear about this?

Suze said...

Dan heard about it somehow. At work maybe?

Anyways yeah, I'd wait till he was older. It really was quite boring for Makayla. Desiree had a blast though. I was spent after about an hour & a half. Couldn't wait for it to be over after that. But it was one of those things that was a really cool thing and I will remember it forever.

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