Seriously though....
Why didn't he just stay at home, like the rest of his chicken friends?
Why did he choose this particular foggy cold October day to take his morning stroll?
Why didn't he at least look BOTH WAYS like his mom should have taught him, BEFORE he cockily lunged himself into the busy road?
I say....
StOOpid Chicken!
I'm sorry you never made it across the road.
I'm sorry your life ended on Tester road on a foggy cold October day.
I'm sorry you were too stOOpid to look both ways before you cockily lunged yourself onto that not so busy road when we were trying to make our way to church.
I'm glad your fate was under the tires of a big Dodge Ram that made your suffering quicker, instead of a lighter vehicle that might've not killed you at all.
I'm glad that the girls didn't see ANY of this! When we asked them if they saw anything out their window they simply said, "fog!". Phew!
Although I do feel remorse,
I'm glad that Dan and I could look at your fate, laugh and say, "Now that's blog worthy!".....(especially since this is the 2nd time we've run over a chicken! 1st time was in Pasco WA about 4 yrs ago!)

So what are the odds of running over a chicken at all? You guys are amazing. If I ever buy a lottery ticket I'm calling you to pick the numbers. That is too funny!
lol... murderer. LOL
We plead Vehicular Manslaughter.
I'm guessing Dan was driving...am I right? He has the worst luck in cars!!! ;)
Though, be sure to let him know that I KNOW he would have missed that animal if it had been a cow *giggle* Or maybe he just has that luck when it's a herd of cows he's flying through...
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