Yesterday was our holiday show and it was absolutely awesome! The night before I couldn't sleep cause I was so excited! (well that and I forgot to take my meds for my RLS, so I really couldn't sleep!). It was a lot of hard work and preparation for all involved, but it totally paid off. We had a sold out matinee (which is highly unusual) and an almost sold out show in the evening. The show was filled with many acts which were all sung a'cappella. Our chorus, A Cappella Joy sang two sets and I sung a solo in the second set, as well as a part of a VLQ (very large quartet, which consisted of 8 males and 8 females......and yes we know a quartet consists of 4 people).
Thanks to Northwest Sound for sharing the stage with us, you all are slammin'! Thanks to all my fellow AJoy'ers for an awesome show and for being the best sisters a girl could have! Thanks to Nikki Blackmer who rocks our world! She's seriously oozes awesomeness!
Thanks to all of those who supported me and came to the show! For all those who missed it, maybe next year? In the meantime here's a peek of the most wonderful time had by all. (Thanks to Dan who took photos and video)
Wife to ONE, Mother to FOUR, Daughter to SIX, Sister to NINE, Sister-in-law to TWELVE, Aunt to TWENTY-FIVE, & Friend to HUNDREDS. Blogging is my poor excuse to journal my life. It's also WAY cheaper than therapy. I stalk all sorts of crafting, DIY & cooking blogs that inspire me. I hope that one day I'll actually DO something about it. Until then here's my life for the whole world to see. Happy reading!
I LOVE listening to you sing! Wish I could hear you more. You did an amazing job!
Awww! Thanks Amanda! I miss hearing how you love hearing me sing. (tee hee)
Love you and I hope you're having a wonderful Christmas!
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