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Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 23 Of The Challenge~15 facts about you

  1. I am totally stubborn

  2. I'm a total goofy, geeky, nerd at heart

  3. I am one of the funniest people I know

  4. I don't like talking about myself and I'm finding this particular post challenging

  5. I had a career at 19 yrs old

  6. As of March 3/1/11 I will be a RETIRED Hairstylist

  7. I didn't get my drivers license till I was 22 yrs old

  8. Clothes and shoes make me happy (superficially of course)

  9. I'm in love with the color RED

  10. I took a Food Sensitivity test recently and found out I'm severely sensitive (allergic) to Apples, Pork, Cabbage, Bay Leaf, Oat & Sole as well as moderately intolerant of many other foods.

  11. I've finally come to terms with the fact that I am a diabetic (I was in denial for over a year)

  12. There is always a song playing in my head

  13. It's a well known secret that although I'm our ward's choir director, I can't read music

  14. I'm a perpetual re-organizer

I would rather poke my eyes out than finish this post off with another fact about myself, so.......that's it.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I didn't know you were diabetic! Thats one of the many reasons I am trying to change my lifestyle-I dont want to get diabetes!

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